Good brands catch the eye.
Great brands capture the heart.You know your customers are searching for something better than they have now, or better than their neighbour. Maybe they want something that’s better for the planet or is a better fit for their family.
We know you are probably looking for something better too – perhaps it’s more leads, or different ideas, a project story that resonates more with your customers, or maybe you just want a better experience.
The concept of “Better” is at the heart of our ethos. We genuinely want to help you get a better outcome all round.
Being better goes beyond just a pretty brochure. If looks are all you’re after, most design agencies can deliver on that. We deliver much more – we offer the memorable, the relatable, the compelling.
Creating a better result starts with storytelling. Connecting with customers, consumers and clients in a way that is genuine and engaging.
We’re about adding true value beyond a surface level aesthetic. And if you’ve read this far, you probably are too.
Milli Steele and Chris Besley,
Directors -
The best solutions require both creative and strategic thinking. These two seemingly polar opposite ideas when unified create the best ideas and solutions. It’s the right and left brains working together.
Wild Lab is the fusion of these two notions to deliver ideas that are strategic yet unique and creative in their executions.
Social Media
Digital Comms
Vision Workshops
We’re helping brands like these to better tell their story.
A selection of recognition for our design work.
One Heart (Branding) – Silver, Better Futures Melb
Redbank Heritage (Education) – Shortlist, Better Futures Melb
South Kingsville Place (Brand) – Shortlist, Better Futures Melb
Edithvale Place (Illustration) – Silver, Better Futures Wild
Edithvale Place (Video) – Silver, Better Futures Wild
Creation Projects (Digital) – Gold, Better Futures Wild
Edithvale Place (Branding) – Silver, Better Futures Melb
Edithvale Place (Illustration) – Silver, Better Futures Melb
Edithvale Place (Video) – Silver, Better Futures Melb
Creation Projects (Digital) – Silver, Better Futures Melb -
We are a fully-remote but close knit team. You won’t be paying for office overheads or dealing with juniors here. We have been creating compelling marketing strategy, authentic brands and beautifully designed digital, print and experience collateral for over 20 years, working inhouse with major Australian developers, architectural practices, interior designers and property industry consultants.
If you’re interested in working with us, get in touch.
Millicent Steele
DirectorChris Besley
DirectorSara Hyat
Senior Designer